DevOps is nothing but creating a number of possibilities while security is about shutting down the access. DevOps can be seen saying to the customers “Yes!” while security asks the criminals “No.” …
Best Antivirus for Windows – Tips to Protect Your PC
No wonder in this digital world if your PC is exposed to hackers attack. Viruses of all kinds target computers and would infect them if timely action is not taken. Threats always exist, for any …
Overlooked Business Security Threats of 2016
Businesses like security - financial security of course, but also data security. In fact, without the latter there’s a good chance there won’t be much of the former. In today’s world, this comes down …
Checks to ensure fail-safe Cyber Security
Cyber security is an important aspect for any IT enterprise, to ensure safety from various kinds of online threats such as viruses, adware, spyware, worms, Trojans etc. There are many kinds of checks …
AdwareMedic – Best Adware Detection & Removal Tool for Mac OS X
Most of the Mac users are affected by Adware in their Browsers. Adware, is any software package which automatically renders advertisements in order to generate revenue for its author. The …
7 Tips on Safe Online Shopping
Shopping online is easier than ever before, and while there are many advantages there arepotential risks. Use of the internet requires awareness and caution, particularly when you plan to use your …